Why Do People Procrastinate?

It is considered prudent to give due deliberation before making important decisions, instead of taking decisions impulsively which might result in a loss for the business or an individual.  But many times we come across people procrastinating important work.  When someone procrastinates it as a one-off behaviour, it is still acceptable.  But if someone procrastinates as a habit, then it is important to go deeper into the psyche of the person.  It will prove to be very costly if he/ she happens to be a decision-maker or manager of a business.

So, why do people procrastinate habitually?

Do they lack in knowledge or skills to accomplish the task? Not necessarily.

It all boils down to the subconscious mind. And the limiting beliefs the person might be holding without his/her conscious knowledge.

In my experience with my clients, it was very interesting to find many such beliefs surfacing during the therapy sessions.
Some of them are :

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of success
  • Self-doubts
  • Fear of rejection
  • Choosing to perform difficult tasks at a later time
  • Choosing to focus on immediate tasks
  • Choosing immediate short term gratification over long term results
  • Needing to be right all the time
  • Having to be perfect all the time
  • Having to feel responsible for everything

Being susceptible to stress, anxiety pressure, unworthy of success, fear of being blamed, fear of failure to meet the expectations of people, low self-esteem so on and so forth.

So when a person is asked to do some task, a plethora of emotions based on the subconscious beliefs get triggered that make the person procrastinate and the person is left wondering why he/ she is procrastinating.

How did the beliefs come into existence in the subconscious mind?
Through the experiences anytime during their life. It could during their early childhood, school, college or even during adulthood.

Example :

If a parent or a teacher might have made the person in one of the incidents in his childhood feel unworthy, a failure when he/she could not meet their expectations.

As a result of it, the child will procrastinate out of the above-mentioned fears as limiting beliefs in his/her subconscious mind.
Then this behaviour of procrastination will repeat in the person’s life as a pattern and form a habit.

The behavioural pattern will continue till the limiting subconscious beliefs are changed and the mind is rewired for the desired mindset.

I have been using a wonderful technique called ThetaHealing®️ technique on thousands of clients for more than a decade to get extraordinary results.

One of them being the procrastination behavioural trait.

This technique can be used to dig for the root cause of the trait in the subconscious mind and rewire the mindset permanently.


  1. Dr Neeta Mhatre says

    Very apt…our beliefs are borrowed. These energies surely requires working..Power of words plays a crucial role..Be careful while speaking… Good one Devaki

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